Islamic Ideology

Unveiling the Truth about Hijab

Dr M. Ghitreef Shahbaz Nadwi, New Age IslamPosted : 27/06/2012 12:41:45

Although bizarre, such incidents are no longer rare. Many Muslim women are willing to compromise on everything from vacations in Europe to education and occupation rather than give up the face veil, or hijab. No doubt they consider wearing the hijab a religious duty, and a supreme one at that. The significance accorded to the hijab fits into the larger context of a woman’s position in conservative Muslim society today. It is argued that as the wo..


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Ijtihad, Rethinking Islam

Ijtihad is back in vogue among Muslim theologians; slowly, reluctantly but surely, says a Nadwi scholar

Dr M. Ghitreef Shahbaz Nadwi, New Age IslamPosted : 14/06/2012 19:41:40

As a matter of fact this policy is no longer relevant, simply because this majority opinion that re-conciliatory situation should be  an exception and not a rule, is not practicable now, nay, it is ludicrous and not at all justifiable  in the changed world scenario. And this is where Orientalists rightly accuse Islamic Fiqh of lacking the modesty model; meaning, that whenever Muslims are in a ruling position this Fiqh gives them a detai..


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Ijtihad, Rethinking Islam

Allama Shabbir Meeruthi Found Many Ahadith in Bukhari Concocted and Fabricated

Dr. M. Ghitreef Shahbaz Nadwi, New Age IslamPosted : 09/06/2012 09:01:10

In fact it is the tip of the iceberg. There are many more Ahadith of this kind, reported by Bukhari, whom Maulana Meerithi vehemently rejected on viable reasoning and after a thorough study of their chains of narrators and inconsistency of various versions of their statements. He also closely checked whether they made any sense at all. He also verified whether they were in conformity with the general spirit of Islam. .. Why did Allama Meeruthi ..


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The War Within Islam

Unique Turkish Experience of Islamic Revivalism

Dr M. Ghitreef Shahbaz Nadwi, New Age IslamPosted : 17/05/2012 06:35:37

As far as Sunni world is concerned, the first stubborn citadel of ultra secularism fell to this force in Turkey. This Turkish mass revolution came in full secular, democratic and peaceful manner. This was a miracle in the given Turkish scenario. It was accomplished by dint of the very ideological methods and tools which, to me, seem fit to be attributed as Islamic secularism. This Turkish experience was an eye opener in many ways to other Islamic..


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