Foundation for Objective Studies India

The Foundation for Objective Studies India is a academic and research institute which was established in 2003. This institute is working in the field of academic research beyond all kinds of sectarian and partisan prejudices.

The Foundation for Islamic Studies India is a private institution. It does not receive any government or non-government financial support. We have started work on the reliance of Allah’s help. Help us in this regard and may Allah be pleased with you and us.

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The Founder

Dr. Muhammad Ghitreef Shahbaz Nadwi

He graduated from Jamia Islamia Sanabel, Delhi (1991) Jamiatul Falah Belerya gunj Azamgarh(1993)  and specialized in Arabic language and literature from the reputed seminary Darul Uloom Nadwat Ulema Lucknow (1996). He then did his MA in Arabic from Lucknow University (1999) and earned his PhD from Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi (2006). He also did a three years course from Madrasa Discourses of Notre Dame University US.

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پروفیسریٰسین مظہرصدیقی کی یاد میں

بیسویں صدی اسلامی روایتی علوم کی نشاة ثانیہ کی صدی ہے۔ اس میں حدیث،تفسیر،فقہ وسیرت پر گراںقدرکام انجام ديے گئے۔ فن سیرت میں پروفیسرصدیقی نے خاص شہرت حاصل کی اوران کا شمارصف اول کے سیرت کے عالموں میں کیاجاتاہے۔ہندوستان کویہ شرف حاصل ہے کہ شبلی و سلیمان کے بعد ڈاکٹرمحمد حمیداللہ اورپروفیسریٰسین مظہرصدیقی جیسے محققین سیرت کا تعلق اسی سے رہاہے

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The Pot Calling Cattel Black(with reference to the vicious propaganda against Muslims)

Muslims were invaders, looters and ruthless foreigner iconoclast, who abhorrently misbehaved Mother India, robbed its glory and shine, killed in cold blood thousands of natives,(read Hindus) and demolished Hindu temples and shrines. This is how Muslims are being stereotyped day out and day in by Indian national media, entertainment industry, TV series and films not to mention here of the constant antagonist propaganda of RSS and VHP percharaks and cohorts like Pushpendra Kalshreshta and his ilk.

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Reflections on Educational Progress of Indian Muslims

when it comes to modernization of madrassas ulema and madrasa people make excuses that only four percent of Muslim children go to Madrasas so why bother about these three or four per cent of community children ? They should be left to their own, they will somehow survive. The remaining 96% should be focussed on instead. My question is that if there are 4 percent blind and the rest are in good health, so on this excuse if no measures will be taken to cure the 4%, wouldn’t it be cruel to keep them blind? ۔

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Rethinking Jihad (with reference to some new Urdu books on it)

The most misunderstood Islamic term, no doubt is Jihad. It is most talked upon and most written about subject as well. Jihad is commonly believed as terrorism particularly in non-Muslim circles, yet the fact of the matter is that Jihad is not the name of terrorism. There is as much distance between the both as there is between heaven and earth. Islam and bloodshed can never come together like fire and water can never come together. This fact is very clear from the Holy Qur’an which is the first authentic source of Islam. The same is known from the established Sunnah of holy prophet.

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جہاد اورآیات جہاد:مصنف، مولانا ڈاکٹرعنایت اللہ اسد سبحانی

جہاد دہشت گردی کا نام نہیں ۔ان دونوں میں اتنی ہی دوری ہے جتنی آسمان وزمین میں ۔اسلام اورخوںریزی کبھی جمع نہیں ہوسکتے جیسے آگ اورپانی جمع نہیں ہوسکتے۔ قرآن کریم جودین کا اولین مصدرہے، سے یہ حقیقت بالکل واضح ہے ،سنت قائمہ جاریہ سے بھی یہی بات معلوم ہوتی ہے۔البتہ بعض روایات آحاداوران کی بنیاد پر بننے والی فقہی آراءسے لوگوں کے دلوں میں جہاداوراسلام کے بارے میں کچھ غلط فہمیاں پیداہوتی ہیں۔ اوریہ غلط فہمیاں معمولی نہیں بلکہ اتنی زیادہ عام ہیں کہ اچھے اچھے اذہان ان کا شکارہیں۔

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Darul Huda Islamic University could be a Model for other big Madrasas in India?

These big madarsas have good infrastructure, vast areas of land, big libraries, hostel facilities, sports fields etc. I wonder why they do not think in terms to change themselves in to modern universities, while maintain their core faculties of Sharia and Usuluddin, Tafsir and Hadis etc? As our Sikh community has done very successfully.

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